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It’s About You!

The Haggadah states, "In every generation a person is obligated to see himself..." - to focus and to understand what is best for us rather than follow the majority. We need to be like our ancestors who did not allow the majority to impact or influence them.

The Call for a Ceasefire

How great is the power of achdut (unity)! If we make a "ceasefire" by stopping the fire of divisiveness and hatred among us and we strengthen our achdut, we will surely merit Hashem's protection and usher in the final redemption.

A Good Hostage Deal?

"If the Satan did not blind our eyes, we would all see that these children [in secular schools] are like the children on the trains to Auschwitz.” Saving a captured soul is the greatest mitzvah, especially today! 

Good Lives Matter

Wouldn't it be great to live in a world where everyone fears Hashem and there's no favoritism? Read what it would take to make such a world.

Hashem’s Chosen Leaders

American and Israeli leaders have been in the news a lot recently. Let us never forget that we do not put our emuna in flesh-and-blood kings but in our King Who reigns over kings.

Bo: Exposing the Ridiculous

Jews have a special innate ability to poke fun at things and to notice their internal contradictions, exposing the world's follies for what they truly are. We’ve been in the business of telling the world “The emperor has no clothes” ever since the Paschal lamb in Egypt.