According to the Torah, marital intimacy is the right of the wife and not vice versa, teaching us an important principle about Judaism's attitude towards physical relationships...
Rebbetzin Siegelbaum - Chana's Blessing
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The Torah was given to women first, because when they understand the importance of the Torah, they will ensure that everyone else understands it as well.
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Vayakhel: To Give or Not
The greatness of the women who refused to participate in making the Golden Calf is proven by their eagerness to give their gold to the building of the mishkan.
Ki Tisa: Slaves and Golden Earrings
From all the golden jewelry owned by the Jewish people, the Torah specifically emphasizes earrings in connection with making the Golden Calf…
Tetzaveh: Hashem’s Ambassador
Some people confuse the notion that a Jewish woman must dress modestly, with the notion that she must make herself unattractive. An ambassador must look immaculate!
Terumah: A Woman’s Tent
The Maharal explains that a Jewish woman merits the blessings of Sarah's tent through her performance of the special mitzvoth designated for women…
Beshalach: Miriam the Prophetess
Rabbeinu Bachaya notes that Miriam is the first person called a "prophet" in the Torah. The first time the Torah mentions the word “prophet” is in regard to a woman who sang at the splitting of the sea…
Bo: Constant Renewal
This Divine clock given to Israel at redemption is internalized through the experience of womanhood. By means of our monthly cycles, women embody the renewal of the moon…
Mikeitz: The Perfect Match
Yosef the Tzaddik married Osnat, an example of a pure soul brought to the world through unholy circumstances. This marriage showed that even the darkest obstacles can enable true holiness to emerge.
Korach: The Mystery of Ben Pelet
The Talmud depicts the great power of women by contrasting two influential wives. One incited the downfall of her husband, while the other was able to rescue her husband…
Shlach Lecha: The Blessing of Challah
Through the mitzvah of taking challah, the wife becomes a worthy vessel for bringing sustenance into her home; this blessing is ever so conducive to an ample livelihood…
Behaalotcha: Prophecy and Celibacy
Miriam had the best of intentions, but her words of sisterly advice were considered lashon hara (evil speech) and she was afflicted with leprosy…
Nasso: The Unfaithful Wife
Although her husband warned her against seeing a certain man privately, witnesses nevertheless report that she had secluded herself with this particular man…
Bamidbar: Precision Order
During the forty years of wandering in the wilderness, Israel encamped according to a precise order around the mishkan, with the ark of Torah as their center…
Bechukotai: The Closeness of Sharing
In contrast to the Western suburban mindset of self sufficiency, in Israel, neighbors often get together here to use each other's ovens, washing machines and dryers.
Behar: Earning Her Love
We can never take our Land of Israel for granted. Whereas other countries belong to the nations because they were born there, the Jews must earn the right to their land…
Emor: Deeds, not Creeds
If you love Torah and what matters to you is becoming close to G-d, this is what your child picks up, no matter which educational approach you follow…
Acharei Mot: Sisterly Love
The Ramban explains that it is not considerate to marry two sisters and thereby cause them to be rivals, since sisters are supposed to love one another…