I was walking across the street that Friday morning, when everything changed in an instant. Thank G-d that I was alive to come home Friday two weeks later…
Thank You Health
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Some incredible stories have come to us with people doing Rabbi Arush’s “Chok Todah – Law of Thank You” and seeing miracles, even with Corona! The law works!
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Quarantine on the Bus
The traffic jam made him miss his much awaited appointment, but he thanked Hashem and a few days later discovered exactly why it was for the best…
A Dangerous Infection
Going into those terrifying hours when my son's life hung in the balance, I had six hours of thanking Hashem already under my belt as a merit for me and my son…”
My Slow Scooter
Everyone talks about being in the right place at the right time. Sometimes, we have to be “late” in order to avoid being at the wrong place at the wrong time...
Healed Overnight
He tried everything – hitbodedut, teshuva, Uman – everything! Nothing worked, until...
Hitchhike to Emuna
My words must have been very convincing in the Heavens because no sooner did the last word leave my mouth then a car rounded the bend towards us…
Magic Carpet
By not buying into what seems to be misery, I choose another life. I change the tape running in my head and exchange it for one of joy and potential...
Glad to Have MS
There is a choice that each one of us has to make for ourselves; the repercussions of refusing to use your emuna tool is a sure path to failure and sorrow and fear...
Finding Hashem Within MS
With emuna now in my life, I stopped putting limitations on myself because I was disabled. I started thinking about myself in a completely different manner..
The Tooth Fairy
Gratitude – it’s so simple really, so obvious, so innate. Or at least it should be. But we see it isn’t. We’ve lost the art of thanking but we can rediscover it.
The Lump
Suddenly, I felt a lump: the old me would have been in suspense for a month, depressed, miserable, worried and stressed to the max. This ‘thankful’ me has been quite different.