Who doesn’t want to be happy? Who wants to be depressed? Who doesn’t want an adequate livelihood? But what do we do when we just don’t feel happy?
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We do not need to look for loopholes to circumvent the laws of Shabbat to earn money, even to use that money for a mitzvah. Hashem despises any mitzvah that is performed at the cost of desecrating Shabbat.
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The Source of Happiness
Celebrating Shabbat with the right kind of joy brings This special day calls for special happiness! Let’s bring that joy into the rest of our week.
The Celebration of Creation
A seed turns into a stalk of wheat, a wheat kernel into flour, and finally the flour into Shabbat challah - a journey that reflects partnership with the Divine, celebration of creation, and eternal gratitude to Hashem!
You Will Consume All Nations
Want to build strong merits for your fellow Jews but long fasts and rolling in the snow isn't practical? Rabbi Arush gives a surprisingly simple (and pleasant) way to help our brethren.
Shabbat Protection
A Jew who observes Shabbat declares that Hashem alone defines and controls nature. Shabbat itself instills this emuna in the Jew's heart. With that emuna, the Jew merits a level of protection that is beyond logic and reason.
His Way is the Best Way
How is it that some people can go almost non-stop and not tire? What is the secret to getting enough of the right type of rest? Hashem has the answer!
Coed Gatherings – Justified?
The laws that prevent men and women from fraternizing together are very serious and cannot be ignored for the sake of a mitzvah.
An Effective Pain Killer
Get ready for Shabbat - The King of Kings is one of your guests! The Kalever Rebbe explains how important joy and singing Shabbat songs are in sweetening judgments.
A Proven Protection
Shabbat has so many laws and details - who does not stumble from time to time? Is there any way to prevent a slipup? The Kalever Rebbe gives sure advice...
The Power of Shabbat
Want to tap into the source of all the blessings and goodness in this world and the next? The source is directly related to the quality of your Shabbat observance.
Good Medical Advice – And Advice For Life
A Jew has to “breathe” the weekly parashot. He must live the parasha, study it, and search for hints in his own life and reality.
You’ll Never Lose…By Keeping Shabbat
Do you fear that keeping Shabbat might lead to financial loss and be a huge personal sacrifice with no gains? In truth, keeping Shabbat is the source of all blessing and goodness in your life. Don't lose out!
Surviving the War
It's a real war! Each of us battles the philosophies and cultures that deny Hashem's existence. The doubts that burrow themselves in our hearts can be overcome by Shabbat.
The Most Important Ingredient
A child who feels the light of Shabbat at home, who sits at a Seder table that had not just matzahs, wine, and delicacies, but also the true light of the Exodus from Egypt – the soul of such a child receives a thorough inoculation against all the generation’s temptations. And oh, don’t they need it!
Nothing Else Matters
On Shabbat, take a hard look at the chair you're sitting on, the silver Kiddush cup in your hand, and the beautiful challot on your Shabbat table. Think about where they came from...really came from!
The Power of Shabbat Songs
Songs sung at the Shabbat table gives us the power to stir the deepest spiritual emotions in your soul, purifying your thoughts, words and actions!
Shabbat and Shmittah
Jews have yearned for centuries to settle the Land of Israel to absorb its kedusha. Let us join together in this mitzvah that is above nature!