Pop quiz! A question every BT has at some point - how do you uphold the Torah when dealing with someone important who wants you to break it, and still have peace?
Marital Harmony
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What would end all quarrels and war, whether between people or nations? What is the single thing that the world, society, Am Yisrael, and the individual need to hold on to regardless of the cost? Rabbi Arush’s answer will surprise you...
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A Strong Home Front
Military experts are rightfully concerned about the Home Front and are arming and fortifying border settlements. Likewise, we must fortify Jewish homes because true victory in the campaign only comes when the Shechina (Divine Presence) is with us.
The Danger of Anger
The pervasive anger that we see everywhere – what's the cause and can it have far-reaching effects on the Jewish home? The Kalever Rebbe explains...
Where is Your Mishkan?
How important is peace in the home? Everyone would agree that it's very important. So why is peace in Jewish homes going downhill? Because some things are even more important - like "truth" and "justice"! Rabbi Arush explains...
How Does One Find One’s Match?
Are you looking for a soulmate for yourself or a child? Read Rabbi Arush's sound advice for a successful match!
Catch Them Doing Something Right
If you see someone doing something admirable, give him immediate and specific feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions! When you see the good in others, you’ll see the good in yourself!
Building a New World
It often seems that society is so sick, so lost, so corrupt that there is no chance of rehabilitation. But is that really so? Rabbi Arush offers a solution to heal our society.
The World’s Building Blocks
Are you a parent who wants to raise successful, happy, and emotionally healthy children? Read Rabbi Arush's tried-and-true advice!
A Lazy Man Works Double
Do you want successful and emotionally healthy children? Do you want closeness with your spouse and a tranquil home? Roll up your sleeves and read Rabbi Arush's wise advise...
Impact of Anger in the Home
Who doesn’t get angry occasionally? It’s a normal human emotion, right? The Kalever Rebbe describes the far-reaching, devastating effects of anger upon our children.
Soulmate… or Suffering?
A reader asks - how does Hashem determine who is happily married to their real soulmate, and who suffers with a miserable spouse? And what can you do to get the former and not the latter?
Money Isn’t Everything
Along with the great importance of studying self-help books and taking their advice, we must know that success in maintaining peace in the home comes from a completely different place. Where?
The Hopeless Marriage – New Again
This incredible story proves the power of Rabbi Arush’s teachings on marital peace – and also, the power of a pidyon with Rabbi Arush!
The Holy Hour
The greatest remedy for sadness in this world isn’t comfort. It isn’t escape. It’s giving. Hashem takes great joy in giving. The greatest gift He gives is a life of giving.
The Secret to Jewish Greatness
From the first generation to this one, the classic role of a woman is to command her family. She sets the spiritual tone of the home...
The Workaholic Husband
Her husband is constantly going on business trips and not rushing home. When he is home, he just yells at her and the kids they don’t appreciate him enough…
Don’t Be Stingy with Words
Most men are stingy – not necessarily with money, but with words – which is WORSE. A lot of women fall into this category too. It’s the worst form of theft there is…