The whole world is a narrow bridge; there are times when you feel incredibly alone and 'lost'. At those times, it's vital to remember that G-d is with you...
Rebbe Nachman's Wisdom
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In honor of Rebbe Natan's date of passing on the Tenth of Tevet, here are a few priceless gems of his wisdom, which enlighten our path in the darkness.
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An Eternal Connection
No one falls so low in one day. The child goes through a process. Initially, the child seems fine, causing the parents to ignore small signs ... until everything blows up in their face. The Jewish people too, have ignored early warning signs with disastrous results.
Now You’re Really Going to Improve
We all want to improve something in our lives - now, with no effort, and with guaranteed results. Amazingly, such a pathway to self-improvement does exist! Read Rabbi Arush's amazing solution...
Rebbe Nachman on Sukkot
Rebbe Nachman has some very special things to say about Sukkot and its related mitzvot, for on Sukkot, a person merits Divine abundance of all kinds...
Good Medical Advice – And Advice For Life
A Jew has to “breathe” the weekly parashot. He must live the parasha, study it, and search for hints in his own life and reality.
Two Sides of Coping
The main test that we face is the battle against our negative thoughts. We face thoughts of bitterness, depression, feeling far from Hashem…
The Mud of Emuna
Rebbe Natan of Breslev teaches us that we have to incorporate emuna in everything we do. Better yet, we have to live not only with emuna, but immersed in emuna…
It’s not the Intermediaries
We focus too much on the intermediary, and not on the main thing. When the intermediary doesn’t help us in the way we’d hoped it would, we collapse…
The Egypt of the Soul
Exile is a place where you can’t see Divine providence, Hashgacha Pratis. It’s a place where nature is so strong, that you can see miracles, but they don't register in your mind…
Rebbe Nachman’s Stories:Simpleton-Two Steps to Joy
Do you want to be happy? You can achieve happiness right now. All you need to do is follow these two rules, and you’ll be part of the happiest group of people alive…
Likutei Moharan – The Poems
Dr. Harry goes back and forth between his medical practice in Florida and his farm in South America. His poetic soul found a unique way of explaining Rebbe Nachman's teachings…
The Value of Prayer
Hashem wants to shower us with every blessing, but He set up this world in a way that we can only receive His blessings once we make a vessel for them…
Rebbe Nachman’s Stories: Clever & Simple One – Today
Rebbe Nachman's famous tales are timeless and ever so relevant to our generation, as Racheli Reckles shows in her contemporary rendition of "The Clever and the Simple"…
Heavenly GPS
If even the worst sinner would take upon himself a set practice to study a fixed amount of Torah every day, he would be able to escape from the ensnarement of evil…
Holding On to Teshuva
A person says, “But things really aren’t working out for me!” The Rebbe says, "When are you going to give up this 'ME' business? You're not the center of the universe…"
The King and the Debtor
The debtor lost all the money he borrowed from the king in a highly unsuccessful business venture. He had nothing to repay the king. But, the king gave him a fantastic offer...
Surviving the Tough Times
Everything we go through, individually and communally – is all to bring us to have more Emuna. Every day, Emuna gets thrown down to the ground, and it’s our task to pick it up…