The Treasure
"I have succeeded in instilling in you a principle," said Rabbi Nachman. "Do not deceive yourselves!"
Rabbi Israel Isaac Besancon
"I have succeeded in instilling in you a principle," said Rabbi Nachman. "Do not deceive yourselves!"
If we go back to the source of our greatest errors, we will find that the initial deviation was always trifling, negligible. We deviated a hair's...
How many sincere souls have already abandoned the ranks of Torah spiritual struggle because of the weight of their imperfection and the profound...
The basic test that all of us are obliged to pass is to overcome the hurdle that separates us from being our Beloved's, that of our true attachment...
The greatest wisdom is to understand at what point we are far from Wisdom and yet to still yearn for Wisdom...
If he perseveres and has the courage to take at least the first step, he commences a dialogue with God. The path of return will be shown to him.
Persevere, hope, sing and dance! From the depths of your harsh ordeals, never let go of this thread. You will become an architect of rebuilding and...
Wherever we happen to be, there is something important for us to do, even if we don't know exactly what it is.
From then on, He renews the world in order to offer to those who wish it, at each instant, a new opportunity to unveil His Presence. For each new day...
By turning joy into a duty and not an optional ideal, he taught us anew the precondition to any step towards good...
When anyone, even a person lying at the bottom-most rung of the ladder, in the mire, wishes to pull himself up even a little, he will find himself...
"I will sing! (Azamra)" It goes on to explain that from all the good points that a man collects, a melody will be composed that will allow him to sing...