War? What For?

The missiles fall, but suddenly people are united, sincerely concerned about each other and selflessly praying with emphasis on the greater good of our nation...

3 min

David Perlow

Posted on 05.05.24

[Editor’s Note: This article was written in July, 2014, but it is still true today.]

One of the hardest things that people find when they start learning about Emuna is that Hashem reproves those that He loves. There is always this feeling with non-believers that if there is a G-d why is there war? Why is there poverty? And why can’t I hold a job or stop smoking, etc? The answer isn’t easy, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true, the real wisdom is within the Torah to find the deeper meaning of all these tribulations we are going through.
Let’s take for example someone who is a father and works hard at his career slowly building it up, working overtime, and putting in the sweat to reach his goal. Years pass and he’s getting there, but to his surprise his teenager has developed a drug addiction, G-d forbid. So first of all, we have to ask, how is this for the good? The kid is getting high behind mommy and daddy and the parents don’t know what to do. Well one way to look at it is that maybe Hashem, (who does, did and will do everything) wants him to focus more at home and less at work. Maybe he has some valuable wisdom to impart upon his son rather than letting him sink into the depths of modern pop culture. The reality is that Hashem is doing him the biggest favor by waking him up to what is important in life, family, love and guiding ones child.
Had the son never developed this habit, his father would have never gotten the wake-up call to put down his iPhone and talk one on one with his boy to find a solution.
We see it happening here in Israel today. As rockets are fired in the dozens across our borders upon innocent families with children by enemies who want nothing but our blood, we have to ask, how is this for the good?
I’ve got news for you, suddenly no one is speaking bad about one another, everyone is united, and people are praying for the first time with emphasis for the greater good of our nation. Changes are happening here in Israel. More people are seeing how all of these events are challenging them to be better family members and more concerned with their communities. We as a nation are acting like a nation, together and unified under Emuna.
Yes we have enemies, and yes they will have their judgment day, but we can’t lose track of Who is behind all of the current events. It’s not the Humus sorry Hamas nor is it the government – it’s our beloved Father in Heaven. He’s giving each and every one of us a push, as if to say, “C’mon its about time you realize who you are! You are My beloved children, and it’s time to start acting like it!”
It’s times like these that we need to seize the opportunity to personally grow in Emuna and help others as much as we can come closer to Torah with love. We are a nation that, when unified, can change the world single-handedly. But it’s up to each and every one of us to take responsibility. We need to ask ourselves, what can I do? Is it adding to my observance? Is it learning more about Torah? Is it stopping this terrible habit? We have plenty of work to do, but that is what Hashem wants, He wants you and I to sharpen ourselves into being the best people we can, the best examples of believers that we can be. But to get there and succeed we sometimes need a push, just like a soldier needs a grueling officer at times, that’s how you get to the soul of the person and withdraw his inner resources into being his best and performing excellently.
We are all in this together, the Jewish people are one, and we need to keep it this way. Let’s all strengthen each other and pray for our spiritual leaders to guide us and lead our nation. Let’s send care packages to the troops and to anyone who needs them. Your actions can make a change, your actions can affect the development of the nation, but only you can take that first step. It’s time we all get more involved in our Judaism and shed the image of the Lox and bagel Jew.
Right now Hashem is with you, at this very moment and you have the power and privilege to speak to Him, He’s listening and is ready to answer your prayers, He loves you and desires to help you, just believe, He has all the resources and ability to fulfill your prayers.  Remember all of this is to get us closer to Hashem. It’s time we make our very best effort. 

Tell us what you think!

1. l


ahavas yisroel and emuna strenghten one another Yeah, but Jewish people died without children. No lesson is worth that loss. A Jew is a Jew. Lox and bagels' Jews are kind Jews, so that is already very Jewish. My guess is Moshiach will have the sweetest delight in a 'lox and bagel Jew' as the leading Rabbi. The war could have been over like in Hezekiah's day.The spectrum of ahavas Yisroel (chessed as mitzvoth, Torah, good deeds, good desires) and emuna fortify one another as a mitzvah is more powerful collectively. Song of sun please.

2. Anonymous


Yeah, but Jewish people died without children. No lesson is worth that loss. A Jew is a Jew. Lox and bagels' Jews are kind Jews, so that is already very Jewish. My guess is Moshiach will have the sweetest delight in a 'lox and bagel Jew' as the leading Rabbi. The war could have been over like in Hezekiah's day.The spectrum of ahavas Yisroel (chessed as mitzvoth, Torah, good deeds, good desires) and emuna fortify one another as a mitzvah is more powerful collectively. Song of sun please.

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