
One must invest years of effort and training to become a champion archer, but a slouch first shoots a random arrow and then paints a bullseye wherever the arrow lands…

3 min

Rabbi Lazer Brody

Posted on 28.04.24

A person can score a bullseye in one of two ways. Either he or she can invest years of effort and training to become a champion archer, or he or she can be a slouch, grab a bow, shoot an arrow in the general direction of the target, and then draw the bullseye around wherever his or her arrow lands.

Clearly, the first way is a true bullseye and the second way is a lie.
A true truth-seeker searches for truth, and does everything in his/her power to live life accordingly.
A slouch first decides what he or she wants, whether it’s the neighbor’s spouse, money from a shady transaction, or a forbidden food or substance, and then builds an imaginary truth that accommodates the slouch’s urges and bodily appetites.
Nothing is more embarrassing in the next world up at the Heavenly Court when the judges show a person that he or she lived their life like a slouch and painted a fictitious bullseye around their errant pursuits.
One is so much better off being a real archer – search for the bullseye of absolute truth, train with dedication, and hone in on the target.
The Gemara tells us that truth is Hashem’s signet ring. Why? 99% truth is 100% lies – the slightest deviation from truth amounts to a counterfeit of Hashem’s Name. Therefore, by striving for the truth, we uplift and improve all our character traits and thereby get closer to Hashem. Rebbe Nachman’s book Aleph-Bet Book (Sefer HaMiddot in Hebrew) explains the importance of truth, especially in our speech. Here are a few of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings about truth:
* Speaking lies leads to thoughts of idolatry; emuna depends upon a person’s speech and therefore when he lies his emuna is harmed.
* The breath of a liar creates the Evil Inclination. When Mashiach arrives there will be no more lies, and therefore the Evil Inclination will not exist. If a person rectifies his speech, he will no longer have an Evil Inclination.
* Through truth the entire world is protected from all sorts of harm – through truth Hashem guards the world, and G-d forbid through falsehood Hashem removes Himself from that place.
* Truth redeems us from many troubles and tribulations – people think they can save themselves by lying, but this will surely not help them. It is truth that will save them.
* When there is truth there is peace – marital peace depends upon truth. If man and wife work hard to rectify their speech, they will enjoy marital peace. On the other hand, a misplaced or false word can literally ruin a home.
* Through truth a man can guard the holy covenant (see Rebbe Nachman’s teaching in Torah 19 of Likutei Moharan, that through the rectification of one’s speech, one can be saved from adultery).
* Lies are an outcome of our fear of other human beings. A person should fear no one other than Hashem. One should speak the truth at all times and not fear others.
* Through lying, a person forgets G-d.
* Hashem will help someone who does not lie in times of trouble. This person will be blessed with children.
* Lying brings one to adultery.
* Because of one’s lies, many remedies are barred.
* A person who refrains from lying is victorious.
* A person who speaks falsehoods is lost.
* Diarrhea and constipation are ailments brought about by telling untruths.
Finally, Rebbe Nachman teaches that the full redemption of our people will come will come through truth. By clinging to the truth, let’s hasten the exalted day when we’ll all witness the in-gathering of the exiles, the coming of Mashiach, and the rebuilding of our Holy Temple in a reunited Jerusalem, speedily and in our days, amen!

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