Little Nachman Part 10

Meanwhile, the little boy continued crying. He lost hope. He didn't believe that the lost money would ever be found. He turned around and started walking home...

1 min

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Posted on 11.04.23

Lost and Found
One day, on the way home from school, Nachman and Shimon saw a little boy crying. They ran to him and asked, "Is something wrong? Can we help you?"
"My mother sent me to the store to buy her a few things and I lost the money on the way, somewhere between the trees."
"We’ll help you find the money," they reassured the little boy. "There’s no need to cry. With Hashem’s help, we’ll find the money within a few minutes."
Nachman and Shimon began searching for the lost money among the trees all along the side of the road. They searched everywhere.
Meanwhile, the little boy continued crying. He lost hope. He didn’t believe that the lost money would ever be found. He turned around and started walking home because he wanted to tell his mother what happened.


"We’ll help you find the money," they reassured the little boy.

To be continued, G-d willing

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