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1. Tamar Becker


The “evangelical relationship with Israel” has been quite spiritually destructive to Jews because of their overt and covert missionary work to bring Jews to Christianity. We see this devastation so clearly here in Eretz Yisrael.

Yes, let’s pray that they do teshuva and that all Jews who got caught in the Christian web of idol worship return to the G-d of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov alone.

2. Batya


I am voting Trump, G-d willing, in the upcoming American elections, although I haven’t voted in US elections in 20 years and previously voted Democrat.

It’s interesting that there is a sense of existential crisis in the American right, and some evangelicals have come out and said they feel the salvation of the country deoends on their relationship with Israel.

Maybe if Edom repents, they won’t be punished as harshly. Europe, for now, seems like a lost cause.

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