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1. Sheila


The Torah is the Light and the blueprint for Klal Yisrael for our World our lives. May all Klal Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael fulfill the Sacred Conenant we have with Hashem always in greater Heights Ein Od Milvado in the Merit of Akeidas Yitschak and in the Merit of Hashems love for the Avot and the Immot and Klal Yisrsel May we all Merit the Redemptions in Peace Now and always Am Yisrael Chai. May all inspire each other going forward with Ahaves Yisrael and greater Knowledge and fulfillment of Torah

2. Gorgonio Cabilete


Baruch Hashem.

3. Dennis Rosen


So powerful, incisive, and uplifting! This article is a real morale booster and the course of action is exactly what is needed during these most challenging times.

Thank you!

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