Through Auschwitz, Never Angry
Few are familiar with the unsung heroes of the Holocaust, such as Rabbi Yisroel David Noviner of saintly and blessed memory, who never lost his temper even once in Auschwitz…

Last month was the 8–year anniversary of the passing on of my Holy Rav, HaGaon, HaTzadik, Rav Yisroel David Noviner — may his Neshama have an aliyah.
Rav Noviner was born in Chust, Hungary and grew up in a Satmarer home. The Holy Rebbe Yoel of Satmar was the Torah reader at Rav Noviner’s bar mitzvah and foresaw that only Rav Noviner and his father would survive the war.
When Rav Noviner was a young cheder boy, the fires of World War II were flaming. He had a Rebbe in Cheder who was a Belzer Chosid. This Rebbe demanded that Rav Noviner and the other boys memorize the Tochechas (the Curses) with the Rashi Commentary. Only after the war, did Rav Noviner learn why.
At the age of 13, Rav Noviner and his entire family were taken to Auschwitz. They arrived on the 4th of Sivan. Rav Noviner, his father and older brother were taken to work and his mother and six younger brothers were taken to their death.
In Auschwitz, Rav Noviner saw his older brother die. He told me that one night, he saw his older brother, who was very sick, sit up and call out to their mother. Then his brother lied down and never woke up. This episode is how Rav Noviner knew that his mother and six younger brothers were killed by the Nazis.
Rav Noviner and his father marched out of Auschwitz through the snow and Ice until they were saved; this was the death-march that killed Rav Noviner’s father.
After the war, Rav Noviner was with the Holy Imrei Chaim of Viznitz (the Vizhnitzer Rebbe during WW II) in Romania and learned Torah from his Holy Soul. Rav Noviner’s children and grandchildren are Vizhnitzer Chasidim today. Later Rav Noviner traveled to France where he learned in Yeshivas Novardok under the leadership of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Libman.
Rav Yisroel Duvid Noviner eventually lived in B’nei B’rak. Immediately after the war, he would regularly make havdala immediately after Shabbos and catch a ride to Tel Aviv to go to the tish of the Third Meal of the Holy Belzer Rebbe, Rav Aaron. In order to hear the Belzer Ruv’s Torah lecture, Rav Noviner would crawl under the table and sit at the feet of Rebbe Aaron.
Rav Noviner never lost his connection with the Holy Satmarer Rebbe. Rebbe Yoel, being a true Lover of all Jews, sent Rav Noviner to Morocco to strengthen the Jews of Morocco. There, he met the Baba Sali. Rebbe Yoel also sent Rav Noviner twice to Los Angeles to establish Jewish schools for Jewish children.
Learning in both Chasidic and Litvish circles and being with the Chachamim of Moroccan Jewry, Rav Noviner’s Torah is pure and true. He would teach a lesson and I would think: “Only a Jew from Lithuanian schools could say this.” The next week, Rav Noviner would give a lesson and I would think: “Only a Chasid could say this.” To Rav Noviner, there were were no Ashkenazim, Sefardim, Litvishers and Chasidim — only Jewish souls, Torah and service of Hashem.
Thank You, Hashem, for allowing me to hear Torah from Rav Noviner for four years while learning at Yeshiva Torah Or in the Mattersdorf neighborhood of Jerusalem. When I delivered a Torah lecture at a siyum on Gemara Berachot, Rav Noviner was next to me. When I needed advice on any matter, Rav Noviner was there for me. When my wife and I went through a huge test with my wife undergoing severe back pain and then surgery, Rav Noviner shed tears and prayers for us. When Hashem sent us a tremendous miracle, Rav Noviner celebrated with us.
For approximately four years, Rav Noviner gave a weekly lesson to my Kollel. It did not matter which Torah chapter or holiday, Rav Noviner taught us about EMUNA & BITACHON, faith and trust in G-d. A friend once asked Rav Noviner if he ever once became angry because of all of the pain and suffering from the war and Auschwitz. He answered calmly and with a smile: “No. How could I be angry? I knew the Torah section on the curses by heart and I lived through them in Auschwitz. I knew that this was from Hashem. How could I be angry?”
The last time I spoke to Rav Noviner was erev Shabbos Parshas Bo, 5770. I called him to share the wonderful news that our daughter had given birth to our first granddaughter. When Rav Noviner’s wife answered the phone, I asked for the Rav. She told me that he did not feel well enough to come to the phone. I asked her to share our good news and she said, “Wait a minute, the Rav might come to hear such good news.” Then I heard his weak voice say, “Oh Yehonasan, good to hear from you.” I shared the news of our granddaughter and Rav Noviner gave me blessings. Then he said, “Yehonasan, this Shabbos is Parshas Bo, did you learn the last Ramban?” With shame, I answered, “no.” Then Rav Noviner said, “Yehonasan, you must learn the last Ramban of Parshas Bo every year!”
Oh, Rav Noviner, I miss you so much. You were the zaidy that I never had. You were my teacher, my mentor and my spiritual guide. Your teachings of Emuna and Bitachon (faith and trust in G-d) are my strength all day every day.
Rav Noviner: please daven for the Jewish People that we end our baseless hatred of each other. Please daven that Hashem in His infinite mercy sends us the Complete & Final Redemption and the rebuilding of our Holy Temple in Jerusalem immediately.
May the Holy and Pure Soul of Yisroel David ben Malka ascend to the highest levels in Gan Eden.
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