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1. Dr Alex Pister


Rabbi Dr Ballen nails it again

Dear Rabbi U've nailed it again. The completely artificial, man made system of consumerism just makes people run from one false pleasure to another. It's all counterfeit and leads to anxiety and depression. It's totally empty. My only happiness that's deep and enduring is my Emunah in Hashem. Especially during a night Hisbodidus. The serene, peaceful tranquility of being alone with the AlMighty is real pleasure that's permanent. And unlike the crazy consumerism it doesn't cost a cent and is "open" 24/7 and available to all. Thx again Rabbi for Ure ongoing wisdom and efforts.

2. Dr Alex Pister


Dear Rabbi U've nailed it again. The completely artificial, man made system of consumerism just makes people run from one false pleasure to another. It's all counterfeit and leads to anxiety and depression. It's totally empty. My only happiness that's deep and enduring is my Emunah in Hashem. Especially during a night Hisbodidus. The serene, peaceful tranquility of being alone with the AlMighty is real pleasure that's permanent. And unlike the crazy consumerism it doesn't cost a cent and is "open" 24/7 and available to all. Thx again Rabbi for Ure ongoing wisdom and efforts.

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