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1. Alex Pister


Just what the Dr oedered

Hey Dr Ballen!! Great meds!! Not medications. Meditations. So many of my friends, family, Patients are addicted to the anti anxiety, mood stabilizers, anti depressants, anti ocd etc etc. Ure meditation exercise is excellent and completely organic and available to all from within themselves. Understanding that Hashem has all the power and nobody else has any power is the height of trusting G-d. This meditation allows me to access the G-dly power within me in my Neshama. Thank You Dr. Ballen

2. Alex Pister


Hey Dr Ballen!! Great meds!! Not medications. Meditations. So many of my friends, family, Patients are addicted to the anti anxiety, mood stabilizers, anti depressants, anti ocd etc etc. Ure meditation exercise is excellent and completely organic and available to all from within themselves. Understanding that Hashem has all the power and nobody else has any power is the height of trusting G-d. This meditation allows me to access the G-dly power within me in my Neshama. Thank You Dr. Ballen

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