I have just started covering my hair, little by little over the past two weeks and a little voice inside me said, "Why do this? What will you say to people when you can't keep it up?" I thought this was my yetzer hara acting up, so I just shot back with, "I'm going to give it a try and if it doesn't work out, at least I tried it. I'm not going to think about the long term, just right now." That shut it up.
2. Rachel
I have just started covering my hair, little by little over the past two weeks and a little voice inside me said, "Why do this? What will you say to people when you can't keep it up?" I thought this was my yetzer hara acting up, so I just shot back with, "I'm going to give it a try and if it doesn't work out, at least I tried it. I'm not going to think about the long term, just right now." That shut it up.
3. Rachel Avrahami
I have used this trial basis many times and it works! The neshama of a woman wants more modesty and it is the basis of our personal holiness. Emuna and holiness go hand in hand, and every single time Rabbi Arush shlita talks about guarding the eyes for men, he talks about tzniut for women. In fact, just like he recommends men pray 30 min a day, every single day, that they should be holy and guard their eyes and minds properly – he recommends that a woman pray 30 min a day! on her tzniut!
4. Rachel Avrahami
I have used this trial basis many times and it works! The neshama of a woman wants more modesty and it is the basis of our personal holiness. Emuna and holiness go hand in hand, and every single time Rabbi Arush shlita talks about guarding the eyes for men, he talks about tzniut for women. In fact, just like he recommends men pray 30 min a day, every single day, that they should be holy and guard their eyes and minds properly – he recommends that a woman pray 30 min a day! on her tzniut!
My yetzer said the same thing!
I have just started covering my hair, little by little over the past two weeks and a little voice inside me said, "Why do this? What will you say to people when you can't keep it up?" I thought this was my yetzer hara acting up, so I just shot back with, "I'm going to give it a try and if it doesn't work out, at least I tried it. I'm not going to think about the long term, just right now." That shut it up.
I have just started covering my hair, little by little over the past two weeks and a little voice inside me said, "Why do this? What will you say to people when you can't keep it up?" I thought this was my yetzer hara acting up, so I just shot back with, "I'm going to give it a try and if it doesn't work out, at least I tried it. I'm not going to think about the long term, just right now." That shut it up.
I have used this trial basis many times and it works! The neshama of a woman wants more modesty and it is the basis of our personal holiness. Emuna and holiness go hand in hand, and every single time Rabbi Arush shlita talks about guarding the eyes for men, he talks about tzniut for women. In fact, just like he recommends men pray 30 min a day, every single day, that they should be holy and guard their eyes and minds properly – he recommends that a woman pray 30 min a day! on her tzniut!
I have used this trial basis many times and it works! The neshama of a woman wants more modesty and it is the basis of our personal holiness. Emuna and holiness go hand in hand, and every single time Rabbi Arush shlita talks about guarding the eyes for men, he talks about tzniut for women. In fact, just like he recommends men pray 30 min a day, every single day, that they should be holy and guard their eyes and minds properly – he recommends that a woman pray 30 min a day! on her tzniut!