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1. Gayle Slurzberg


Dealing with the death of a young woman

My family is having a difficult time in dealing with the death of a young woman that my daughter grew up with. She was 32 years old, mother of 5 young children, and a Lubavitcher Shlucha. Her youngest is 6 months old. If Hashem has only love for us and only wants the best for us then why is a devout young mother taken from her family. We are having a hard time understanding and accepting this situation. I am reading The Garden of Gratitude so I thought of contacting you. Respectfully, Chana Gittel Slurzberg

2. Gayle Slurzberg


My family is having a difficult time in dealing with the death of a young woman that my daughter grew up with. She was 32 years old, mother of 5 young children, and a Lubavitcher Shlucha. Her youngest is 6 months old. If Hashem has only love for us and only wants the best for us then why is a devout young mother taken from her family. We are having a hard time understanding and accepting this situation. I am reading The Garden of Gratitude so I thought of contacting you. Respectfully, Chana Gittel Slurzberg

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