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1. Dassie


Excellent points, Sunny.

Sunny, I always like your stuff. And this one really resonated with me. Before the Reform movement, the kinds of social/political labels we use today didn't really exist. Chazal writes of "ketanei emuna" and "gedolei emuna" (those of small faith and those of great faith) or more knowledgeable people and less knowledgeable people, and so on. All you're doing is following the Shulchan Aruch as best you can and growing spiritually as best you can. And that's the main goal for all of us. Kol hakavod.

2. Dassie


Sunny, I always like your stuff. And this one really resonated with me. Before the Reform movement, the kinds of social/political labels we use today didn't really exist. Chazal writes of "ketanei emuna" and "gedolei emuna" (those of small faith and those of great faith) or more knowledgeable people and less knowledgeable people, and so on. All you're doing is following the Shulchan Aruch as best you can and growing spiritually as best you can. And that's the main goal for all of us. Kol hakavod.

3. Yosef K


Your friend was right

The Lubavitch Rebbe was warning us against lableing *other* people. There is nothing wrong with taking on established roles for ourselves. In fact, it can be a very good thing. Do you also object to the label "mother"? Why is the label "Jewish" okay? So it's only things we can't change that you will acquiesce and accept a label? I am a proud Dati Leumi, Israeli, Jew, Husband, and more. Not only does this help others relate to me, it helps me be reminded of the ideals I strive to live up to.

4. Yosef K


The Lubavitch Rebbe was warning us against lableing *other* people. There is nothing wrong with taking on established roles for ourselves. In fact, it can be a very good thing. Do you also object to the label "mother"? Why is the label "Jewish" okay? So it's only things we can't change that you will acquiesce and accept a label? I am a proud Dati Leumi, Israeli, Jew, Husband, and more. Not only does this help others relate to me, it helps me be reminded of the ideals I strive to live up to.

5. Rivka



I feel the same way!

6. Rivka


I feel the same way!

7. Yosef



A common Western attitude, where no one wants to stand up for what they are unless its PC, like LGBT. What is wrong with labels? I pray that you will find the confidence to wear labels proudly. Instead of trying to fit in and be like everyone else and not make waves, wear your labels. You are "Orthodox", by your own description above. Why argue with the person who called you such? Since you posted on this site, are you a Breslover? Say So! What is wrong with that?

8. Anonymous


A common Western attitude, where no one wants to stand up for what they are unless its PC, like LGBT. What is wrong with labels? I pray that you will find the confidence to wear labels proudly. Instead of trying to fit in and be like everyone else and not make waves, wear your labels. You are "Orthodox", by your own description above. Why argue with the person who called you such? Since you posted on this site, are you a Breslover? Say So! What is wrong with that?

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