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1. Leo de Leon


Thanks Dad

This one is an eye opener. I needed that

2. Leo de Leon


This one is an eye opener. I needed that

3. Rachel leah peres


Very touching!!!!

Thankyou Yeudit… It is true that Hashem answers us with flash of ideas.

4. Rachel leah peres


Thankyou Yeudit… It is true that Hashem answers us with flash of ideas.

5. Sarah Cenovia


Thanks, Dad!

Your article was amazing. You put on paper exactly the feels that I wanted to verbalize to G-d but haven't been able to form. Thank you for expressing every single gratitude that I have for H-shem. My G-d bless you!

6. Sarah Cenovia


Your article was amazing. You put on paper exactly the feels that I wanted to verbalize to G-d but haven't been able to form. Thank you for expressing every single gratitude that I have for H-shem. My G-d bless you!

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