Beloved Dove

Your beloved dove is that most hopeful and resilient part of you that never gives up on you or on your faith regardless of how entrapped you are, feeling by the “blackness”...

3 min

Dr. Zev Ballen

Posted on 05.06.23

In Song of Songs, King Solomon, compares one’s soul to a dove. G-d compares your soul to a dove because just like a dove is perfectly loyal to her mate for life and never even looks at another dove, so too it’s the nature of the holy soul (the essential and ultimate “you”) to be perfectly and eternally loyal to G-d, your Creator. Therefore, your beloved dove is the part of you that never stops clinging to G-d no matter how far down or distant from G-d you may being feeling right now.  Your beloved dove is that most hopeful and resilient part of you that never gives up on you or on your faith regardless of how entrapped you are feeling by the “blackness” of your current mood or your present situation.


As you prepare for this exercise remember: there is no place in the world that is too dark that the Light of G-d cannot reach there.


1. In your own way think of an utterly beautiful 100% pure white Dove. Concentrate more than you usually do on the dove’s essential qualities of purity, innocence and loyalty.  (note: King Solomon makes numerous references to the innocence and beauty of the Dove’s eyes so you might also imagine the dove’s eyes)


2. Now close your eyes and “step-into” the image of the dove.  Spend a minute strongly concentrating on the idea that the dove you have imagined is really you – the dove is a symbol of the essence of all of your good qualities and good intentions. 


3. Now let the words of King Solomon completely fill your mind: “My beloved Dove is trapped and hidden in the rocks.  Think honestly about what in your life is “trapping” you in most. Is it sadness, depression, anxiety, fear, competition, jealousy, coveting what others have, anger, arrogance, lust, doubts about yourself, doubts about G-d, a particular misdeed that you want to cleanse…?


4. The verse continues with G-d saying to you:  “Show Me your beauty, let me hear your sweet voice, you look so beautiful to me! Even now when you are surrounded by darkness (trapped in the rocks) you still look so very beautiful to Me in the aspect of “I am black (with misdeeds, sadness, doubts etc. ) but I’m (still) beautiful. So reveal yourself to Me (the still pure desire of your soul) and show Me (G-d) your everlasting beauty.”


5. Re-read the above verse a few times. When you reach the word “beauty” pause for longer than usual. Repeat the word “beauty” several times to yourself. It is essential that you now contemplate your own “beauty.”  When you reach the words “… let Me hear your sweet voice.” (Keep in mind that G-d is imploring you to speak to him in prayer)


6. Imagine now that you desire to speak to G-d. See yourself humbly stepping before G-d, your Master, your King. You are stepping into His throne room and humbly approaching  your magnificent, all-powerful, all-loving Master who simply says: “Let me hear your sweet voice.”


7. Now speak to G-d about those things that have been “trapping” you in the “rocks.”


8. Ask G-d to help you to feel more deeply your own feelings of purity, innocenceתת and loyalty.


9. Thank G-d for being patient, loving and loyal to you regardless of your human frailties. Thank G-d for calling out to you when you needed Him and inviting you to come and  speak with Him.   Finally thank G-d for your holy soul which is eternal and indestructible.


10. From now on, whenever you see the color white, whether it’s a dove, or any type of bird or animal; whether it is a piece of white clothing, a white wall, a white sheet of paper or  a fluffy white cloud – YOU WILL REMEMBER YOUR POINTS OF GOODNESS AND G-D’S NEVER-ENDING LOVE FOR YOU. This is your eternal gift from G-d.



Adapted from Likutei Halachot; Orach Chaim; Part One; Laws of Waking Up in the Morning; Law no. 1; paragraph no. 9.

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