The Barefoot Beggar
On the way to Rockefeller Center, near the famous ice rink, they saw - to their utter amazement - a barefoot, shivering beggar with his bony hand extended hoping for a coin…
To my dear friends, shalom and blessings!
As the High Holidays are upon us, I’m reminded of a story: a Jewish couple was strolling in Manhattan, enjoying the variety of scenery – parks and theaters, endless shopping and a wide assortment of people from all over the world. Carpeted in snow, the city had a holiday atmosphere, with luring sales and big bargains. On the way to Rockefeller Center, near the famous ice rink, they saw – to their utter amazement – a barefoot, shivering beggar with his bony hand extended hoping for a coin. Here he was, in sub-freezing weather, with no shoes! “So this is America,” thought the couple, “what so many people call an uncaring harsh place where man acts like a wolf to his fellow man.”
The woman said to her husband, “I don’t care what this beggar’s name is, what he does or if he’ll ever thank me. I’m going to buy him a pair of shoes!” Just then, a policeman approached the beggar. The woman’s heart felt like it was in her throat. What did the beggar do wrong? What did the policeman want from him? She feared that the he would do something mean to the beggar.
Just then, she heard the policeman ask the beggar, “What size shoes do you wear?”
The startled beggar barely mumbled, “Size 11”.
The policeman went over to the patrol car, opened the trunk, and took out a pair of socks and size 11 sneakers. He returned to the beggar and said, “Here you are, sir; I think these will fit you fine.”
The beggar quickly put on the socks and then the shoes. He stood up and started dancing with joy, smiling his semi-toothless smile to everyone who walked by. “Thank you, officer! May the good Lord bless you,” he said to the policeman with a big grin.
The policeman smiled back and said, “The good Lord has already blessed me. It’s now my turn to show Him how much I appreciate what He does for me.”
* * *
The above story reminds us of what we already know – the world is built from loving-kindness. It’s not happenstance that nothing equals expressing our gratitude to Hashem. The policeman knew the very best way to express his appreciation and gratitude for all his blessings in life. We should learn from his example.
Why was I reminded of this story before the High Holidays? Hungry children and poor families aren’t a matter of stories and tales – it’s the reality we live in today. As the founder and head of the Chut Shel Chesed Institutions, I know, hear of and meet many G-d fearing families who are unable to cope with the ever-increasing financial burden on their shoulders. An important part of our institutions’ community service is to aid these families any way we can. As their day-to-day struggle to feed their families is prodigious, their attempt to deal with the heavy High-Holiday expenses creates unspeakable hardships and worst of all, shame.
The High Holidays are a time of judgment. Hashem examines whether each of us is fulfilling his or her purpose in life. Not everyone does what he or she should, and Hashem must resort to harsh wake-up calls and tribulations to guide a person down the right path. It doesn’t have to be that way…
What can we do?
Pidyon Nefesh is a type of charity that also invokes phenomenal Divine compassion when a person needs it most – during the Days of Judgment. One’s compassion for the less-fortunate arouses unimaginable Divine compassion for the one who gives. I will personally pray for them at Rebbe Nachman’s holy grave site in Uman.
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With every blessing,
Rabbi Shalom Arush
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