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1. David Ben Horin


You are right, harsh words went back and forth.

The challenge is to express ourselves without insult or anger.

It’s okay to attack policies, decisions, and even statements by public figures, but with facts, opinions, and even catchphrases. The true champion does it without slandering or insulting anyone.

Use facts and information. Express how your way is best for everyone—just don’t say anything negative about a person in the process.

We can all have productive dialogue — it’s our responsibility to keep things civil. As we unfortunately just experienced, lives are at stake based on what each of us decide to stay.

2. Tamar


I’m not sure if you’re asking a real question here or simply stating an opinion …

Hashem wants us to fight for just causes (as He defines them) in just ways (according to His laws, including proper speech). We are not to accept evil.

Proper speech is for ALL sides of a controversy. We’ve just seen how inflammatory words can ignite violent behavior.

3. Thomas (Avishai) Brooks


I’m wondering, since bad words went back and forth, was Trump in the right? It looks like Mr. Trump was trying to defend himself, help America recover from all the hidden crime, but instead he was attacked in many different ways, like lying etc. He does everything with love in his heart.
So, I guess you are saying that it’s better to do nothing while being attacked. Right? Is that what G-d wants?

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