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1. Alice


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Some people are universally attractive, but very often what is considered to be beautiful is highly subjective. Thus it is very possible, that this whole issue is simply being played out in the husband's thoughts but is not necessarily even based in reality. Just something to bear in mind.

2. Alice


Some people are universally attractive, but very often what is considered to be beautiful is highly subjective. Thus it is very possible, that this whole issue is simply being played out in the husband's thoughts but is not necessarily even based in reality. Just something to bear in mind.

3. alice


a common problem

A few points to add: He should be very modest in how he relates to other women. Mida keneged mida. Even if the wife dresses very modestly, if she is so beautiful, other men will still look at her. Women will look too. People look at beautiful people. For a woman it is extremely important to know that her husband trusts her. There is actually a novel ("He Knew He Was Right") that deals with the subject of a husband's jealousy leading to a descent into insanity. I'm not saying that Mike will go to this extreme, but unbridled jealousy can drive a person crazy. What is the alternative? Would he rather be married to an unattractive woman? He should be thanking Hashem every minute of every day for his lovely wife. He should also try to stop relating to her as a sex object, but rather to the complete human being that she is, who came in nice packaging.

4. alice


A few points to add: He should be very modest in how he relates to other women. Mida keneged mida. Even if the wife dresses very modestly, if she is so beautiful, other men will still look at her. Women will look too. People look at beautiful people. For a woman it is extremely important to know that her husband trusts her. There is actually a novel ("He Knew He Was Right") that deals with the subject of a husband's jealousy leading to a descent into insanity. I'm not saying that Mike will go to this extreme, but unbridled jealousy can drive a person crazy. What is the alternative? Would he rather be married to an unattractive woman? He should be thanking Hashem every minute of every day for his lovely wife. He should also try to stop relating to her as a sex object, but rather to the complete human being that she is, who came in nice packaging.

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