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1. Shlomi



Dearest Rabbi Shalom, I am so sorry for your loss, even as I write two years down the track. I want to express to you that your article brings tears to my eyes – the way you hold to your emuna in the depths of your grief and loss. What an inspiration and a Holy example, Baruch HaShem.

2. Shlomi


Dearest Rabbi Shalom, I am so sorry for your loss, even as I write two years down the track. I want to express to you that your article brings tears to my eyes – the way you hold to your emuna in the depths of your grief and loss. What an inspiration and a Holy example, Baruch HaShem.

3. aron meyer


reason for death of grand daughter

Of course my condolences to the family. Rabbi Arush clearly suggests the reason for this tragic event. Very simply and an obvious question that needs clarification, are we prophets that can determine the exact cause of this passing away??? many thanks and hatzlocha

4. aron meyer


Of course my condolences to the family. Rabbi Arush clearly suggests the reason for this tragic event. Very simply and an obvious question that needs clarification, are we prophets that can determine the exact cause of this passing away??? many thanks and hatzlocha

5. Sarah



May you be comforted among all mourners. So let me get this right. Our all loving Creator ALSO wants to take our babies as a decree of atonement? Perhaps what's really going on is that we have become so infiltrated by what we call "the sitra achra". A sure sign of malevolent forces is divisiveness. These forces feed off our energy (see Protection From Evil, by Harav Ariel Bar Tzadok and articles on and the taking of lives violently is a life force prize for them.

6. Anonymous


May you be comforted among all mourners. So let me get this right. Our all loving Creator ALSO wants to take our babies as a decree of atonement? Perhaps what's really going on is that we have become so infiltrated by what we call "the sitra achra". A sure sign of malevolent forces is divisiveness. These forces feed off our energy (see Protection From Evil, by Harav Ariel Bar Tzadok and articles on and the taking of lives violently is a life force prize for them.

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