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1. Julie


thank you

Thank you so much for your wonderful article & kudos for the courage to make such big changes for truth. I love all the quotes, and they must be heeded but there are also many quotes including Mesilat Yesharim and Rabenu that say as great as a light it is that is how difficult it is to reach. So even if you see religious people that are not heeding please keep in mind and heart that it's a very huge yetser hara for a lot of us who want to heed and are trying but are truly struggling.

2. Julie


Thank you so much for your wonderful article & kudos for the courage to make such big changes for truth. I love all the quotes, and they must be heeded but there are also many quotes including Mesilat Yesharim and Rabenu that say as great as a light it is that is how difficult it is to reach. So even if you see religious people that are not heeding please keep in mind and heart that it's a very huge yetser hara for a lot of us who want to heed and are trying but are truly struggling.

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