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1. Dassie


This article really resonated with me. I also experienced exactly what you described in your article's intro. I thought it was a sign of maturity to accept my friend's disguised criticism and "insights." Eventually, I realized that I was feeding her negative inclinations, and that I was actually being the opposite of what I'd intended; I was actually immature and naive to fall into such a dynamic. And it is SO TRUE that Western society today allows you negative emotions in certain circumstances ONLY! One of the many things I appreciate about living among Israelis and Russians is that I don't have any pressure to be "perky" or "everything's fine" all the time. It's much healthier and I actually experience more genuine happiness and contentment than I did living amid American culture. (And, in general, Americans who genuinely like living in Eretz Yisrael tend to be more "real.") Thanks so much for presenting the healing, motivating side of the negative emotions Hashem sends our way — for our own benefit.

2. Dassie


I also experienced exactly what you described in your article's intro. I thought it was a sign of maturity to accept my friend's disguised criticism and "insights." Eventually, I realized that I was feeding her negative inclinations, and that I was actually being the opposite of what I'd intended; I was actually immature and naive to fall into such a dynamic. And it is SO TRUE that Western society today allows you negative emotions in certain circumstances ONLY! One of the many things I appreciate about living among Israelis and Russians is that I don't have any pressure to be "perky" or "everything's fine" all the time. It's much healthier and I actually experience more genuine happiness and contentment than I did living amid American culture. (And, in general, Americans who genuinely like living in Eretz Yisrael tend to be more "real.") Thanks so much for presenting the healing, motivating side of the negative emotions Hashem sends our way — for our own benefit.

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