When America collapses, they will blame the Jews Even a cursory reading of American political comment websites shows that the finger of blame is pointing towards the Jews. The same old conspiracy theories are being revived. At some point the dollar – and therefore society – will crumble and the baying mob will come after the Jews.
2. Mangabey
Even a cursory reading of American political comment websites shows that the finger of blame is pointing towards the Jews. The same old conspiracy theories are being revived. At some point the dollar – and therefore society – will crumble and the baying mob will come after the Jews.
When America collapses, they will blame the Jews Even a cursory reading of American political comment websites shows that the finger of blame is pointing towards the Jews. The same old conspiracy theories are being revived. At some point the dollar – and therefore society – will crumble and the baying mob will come after the Jews.
Even a cursory reading of American political comment websites shows that the finger of blame is pointing towards the Jews. The same old conspiracy theories are being revived. At some point the dollar – and therefore society – will crumble and the baying mob will come after the Jews.