Pinnacle of Creation

Who is naive enough to believe that the human is a product of random cells bumping into each other and somehow, randomly, a perfect human form was created...

4 min

Racheli Reckles

Posted on 30.05.23

The human body is a miraculous and brilliant creation. It is a clear sign that G-d designed it with wisdom light years beyond human comprehension. Unfortunately, there are still people who refuse to accept that there is a G-d Who created us with a specific intention. Instead they prefer to believe that we are a product of random cells bumping into each other and somehow, randomly, a perfect human form was created. Again and again and again. I have difficulty connecting to these people.

The miracle and mystery of the human body is what first made me want to pursue the field of medicine. Aside from the mind-blowing perfection and built-in genius of the body, what amazed me the most was a question that, at the time, I did not have the answer to: The brain tells the body what to do – but what tells the brain what to do?

Let’s start with the feet. Our feet are an amazing creation. Did you realize that no matter how old a person gets, the skin never wears out? Look at a tire: after several thousand miles the rubber wears down and the tire needs to be replaced. Even if a person were to go barefoot for their entire lives, the skin would look hideous, but it will never wear out!

Do you remember Gumbi? The green stick-figure guy with no joints? Have you ever tried to walk like him? Try it – it’s not easy! Walk without bending your knees or elbows. Please, do this at home, and not in a public place; it might get you committed, or at least a lot of strange looks. Imagine what life would be like if we couldn’t sit or run or jump. What if we couldn’t bend our arms? How could we feed ourselves or take care of ourselves in any way? Not only that: what if it hurt each time we moved our joints? Anyone suffering from arthritis will tell you how unpleasant and painful it is. However, G-d created us with joint lubrication, so we don’t even feel them working for the most part. What if we were like the Tin Man, who always needed his can of oil handy when his joints started to rust?

Moving onto our digestive system… The stomach can be compared to a washing machine that churns its food and breaks it down. All along the digestive tract, the food is continuously broken down and all valuable nutrients are extracted. If you really take the time to learn about it, you’ll see that it is a truly miraculous process. Most of the time we don’t feel our stomachs and intestines working. Do you realize what mercy this is? Think of a time when you suffered from a stomach flu, diarrhea, or food poisoning; few things are more miserable. Imagine if we had to feel our stomachs working all day; I wonder if we’d ever eat again!

Let’s take a deeper look into Hashem’s mercy. The stomach has a special lining that protects it from its own incredibly dangerous acid – hydrochloric acid. Did you know that this acid is so strong, if you placed a drop on a piece of wood, it would eat right through it? Hydrochloric acid can even dissolve a razor blade! So why doesn’t the stomach dissolve itself? In a healthy person, the stomach produces bicarbonate, which is a basic solution that neutralizes the acid. This delicate balance is what keeps ulcers, gastritis, and gastric reflux away. I have had gastritis, and I can say it’s not fun. FYI, if you suffer from overproduction of acid, try a vegan diet. The more animal protein you eat, the more acid needed to break it down. If you don’t eat meat, your stomach won’t produce nearly as much acid.

Our lungs are another miraculous creation. Imagine if breathing were voluntary! I don’t doubt that I would constantly pass out because I would forget to breathe! Taking a deep breath is also another gift from Hashem- it feels so good and relaxing to breathe deep. It’s also a great way to get your blood pressure to come down and ease frayed nerves. So go ahead and breathe!

Could you imagine if our bodies weren’t created in perfect proportions? Think about it. What if our feet were so big that we’d have to point them sideways in order to walk? What if our hands were so large that doing simple tasks like writing or brushing our teeth would be nearly impossible? Have you ever tried to hold your toothbrush with only your fingertips? Or what if our hands were so small that we couldn’t carry things? What if our fingers were webbed together, like duck feet? Where would the engagement ring go? It would be a travesty. Just imagine if your nose was three times as large, or your eyes were so tiny you could barely see! It reminds me of those silly circus mirrors that distort the way you look…

Speaking of eyes, we all realize the eye is a marvelous creation. Think of a favorite sunset you enjoyed, or a view that was out of this world. Did you thank Hashem for your eyes lately? Objectively speaking, I don’t think Hashem had to create us with such amazing sensory organs. They are not necessary for our survival; so why do we have them? We don’t need tastebuds in order to eat, and we could probably manage just fine if we just saw everything in gray. Therefore, I think that these incredible mechanisms are a gift from G-d- they exist purely for our enjoyment. What a waste it would be if we couldn’t taste the rich, decadent chocolate cake on Shabbat, or enjoy the delectable smell of cinnamon buns baking in the oven…(I can’t help it- I love food!)

Last but certainly not least, we  arrive at the crowning glory of creation – the human brain. This mysterious organ is light years beyond scientific comprehension. Aside from regulating trillions of bodily functions every second, the brain is our gateway to the soul. In an instant, we can time-travel across generations, or take an imaginary flight through space. We can be anywhere we want, any time we want to. Is this not absolutely incredible??

Who can doubt the existence of a Creator after contemplating the wonders of our bodies? Even the largest planet and space nebula can’t compare to the human body.  They are definitely complex, but they are missing one major aspect – they can’t partner with Hashem in creation. This is what earns us the fancy title of “Pinnacle of Creation”. I’m not only referring to reproduction; I’m also referring to our physical potentials. Through the power of imagination, we can do anything. We can magically transform a piece of wheat into a delicious pizza, and a rock into a luxurious mansion.

Let’s take a few moments each day to appreciate what incredible and unique creations  we are. And what’s appreciation without a “Thank You”? Take some time each day to thank G-d for creating you in all of your miraculous perfection. The more you do it, the more you’ll see how amazing you really are.

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