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1. Baruch


It is the neshama’s own destiny when it leaves this world The message in this article is terribly flawed. As a father who also lost a son to an illness, reading this article gave me no comfort whatsoever. Hashem does not take away a gift such as a son due to some transgression of the parent. That is the most horrible thing a person can say to a grieving parent. According to the Zohar each neshama lives out its own destiny. It has nothing to do with a parent's atonement for a sin. When that neshama completes its task, then it returns to its Creator.

2. Baruch


The message in this article is terribly flawed. As a father who also lost a son to an illness, reading this article gave me no comfort whatsoever. Hashem does not take away a gift such as a son due to some transgression of the parent. That is the most horrible thing a person can say to a grieving parent. According to the Zohar each neshama lives out its own destiny. It has nothing to do with a parent's atonement for a sin. When that neshama completes its task, then it returns to its Creator.

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