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1. Victor Morgado


According to Isaac Luria, the Arizal, as we approach the end of this millennium (currently in the year 5784, with approximately 206 years remaining), the feminine energy, symbolized by the seven cycles of the moon, is nearing the seventh millennium. In Lurianic Kabbalistic thought, the initial chaos in the first two or three thousand years is seen as normal, corresponding to the early stages of the moon. Like the moon’s gradual progression to fullness, it took time for feminine energy to reach its completeness.

The moon, representing feminine energy, underwent a natural depletion in the early millennia, akin to the initial stage of Rosh Hodesh or the new moon. During this period of reduced feminine energy, a masculine era emerged, leading to the oppression of women and causing general upheaval. However, by the 20th century, as we approached the sixth millennium, feminine energy began to increase rapidly. This progression manifested in heightened awareness, starting with women gaining the right to vote and evolving through feminism.

In the current era, as we approach the end of the century, more women are becoming conscious of their spiritual roles, particularly in Judaism. This aligns with Rabbi Ashlag’s message at the beginning of the 20th century, asserting that the time had come to unveil the mysteries of Kabbalah to the world. According to this perspective, the secrets of the Torah hold the key to true and correct healing in our journey as co-creators or helpers in alignment with HaShem’s master plan for humanity.

Looking ahead, there is a hopeful vision for the seventh millennium—a thousand years of daily Shabbat and a paradise on Malchut with the arrival of a Messiah. Courage!

2. Batya


Incredible. And that’s exactly why the world hates us, even when individual Jews unfortunately lose their identity and try to fight against God. They want the rule of their lusts and desires and don’t want to subject themselves to the rule of God! And Jews just existing continuously forces them to remember that this isn’t morality, no matter how much they want to lie and replace morality with woke. The existence of a single Jew proves – there is Truth, there is Morality, there is God and there is justice and a Judge – who will judge them!

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