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1. Yael


Yasher Koach!! Thank you so very much for your essay "Two Voices". I am moved by your insight and honesty, and pray that you will have much success in the battle against the mental demons. I have no shalom bayit because my husband is like this with our daughter, and I constantly defend her because I cannot stand the thought of her growing up feeling as you described. I need to pray for him constantly, as I'm sure this is how he was raised… I look forward to reading more of your articles!

2. Yael


Thank you so very much for your essay "Two Voices". I am moved by your insight and honesty, and pray that you will have much success in the battle against the mental demons. I have no shalom bayit because my husband is like this with our daughter, and I constantly defend her because I cannot stand the thought of her growing up feeling as you described. I need to pray for him constantly, as I'm sure this is how he was raised… I look forward to reading more of your articles!

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