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1. Chris Wika


Rabbi Arush strengthens and encourages my will to serve Hashem completely, to observe and fulfill the mitzvot, to increase my kavunah in Torah study and prayer. Baruch Hashem, who blesses me, protects me, and provides everything for me in the most perfect measure

2. Bracha


Words of truth should enter the hearts of all our brothers and sisters in Galut. Amen But who is listening? Even our rabbis want to be politically correct when Hashem wants us to learn the truth. When we hear there should be unity among all Jews—secular and religious—I shudder, for what is secularism but a denial of the existence of Hashem, chas v’shalom. Do secular Jews honor the Shabbat? Secular means the commandments are not followed, so most likely Shabbat is not observed at all or at least not the way Hashem has specified in the Torah. So what then is the foundation for unity? Only words that tell us to unify, and words that are not from the heart do not do much. Is there a way to reach more Jews and wake them up? Secularism does not work. Growth, however, and connection to Hashem and TESHUVA does. We need more light from our nation no matter where or who they are to learn and practice the truth and connect honestly to the Creator. May Hashem give you strength, Rav Arush, to continue spreading the New Light of Geula.

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