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1. Yehudit


I just now (Feb, 2023) see this article’s comments. The most recent gedolim that call/called for aliyah are Harav Ovadia Yosef, Harav Chaim Kanievski, and most recently Harav Yitzkok Yosef.
The rationale of waiting until the Mashiach comes and only then make aliyah is countered by the belief that massive aliyah will trigger the Mashiach to come (see Talking About Eretz Yisrael – The Profound & Essential Meaning of Making Aliyah by Rabbi Pinchas Winston. He adds that Jews outside of Eretz Yisrael will have a far more difficult time than those who made aliyah). A true Catch-22.

2. טובשם


Which Gedolim say to make aliyah? The last Real Godol, The Holy Rav Yoel of Satmar, was definitely Against Aliya & living under the current government !

3. טובשם


The last Real Godol, The Holy Rav Yoel of Satmar, was definitely Against Aliya & living under the current government !

4. Rafoel Davis


Not yet time. Nice article. But you seem to have forgotten that we are still in exile. Moshiach has not yet come. H' placed us in exile within the gentile nations. That is where we are supposed to stay until the geulah ho'sidoh. Unless there is a major reason for going to live in Israel, such as to learn in yeshiva there, our place is in the diaspora for now.

5. Anonymous


Nice article. But you seem to have forgotten that we are still in exile. Moshiach has not yet come. H' placed us in exile within the gentile nations. That is where we are supposed to stay until the geulah ho'sidoh. Unless there is a major reason for going to live in Israel, such as to learn in yeshiva there, our place is in the diaspora for now.

6. Steve


Timely for me… Hi Racheli – Thanks for your article "Kicking and Screaming". It was timely for me as I am considering Aliyah. It's usefulness however was not related very much to the wake-up call tragedies you enumerate. Instead, it was a reminder that HaShem sends other, no less obvious, messages for us to come home. These are positive words from Torah and from fellow Jews who care. Your article helps me to focus on the POSITIVES of Aliyah. I don't want to want to flee galus-I want to want to go home!

7. Steve


Hi Racheli – Thanks for your article "Kicking and Screaming". It was timely for me as I am considering Aliyah. It's usefulness however was not related very much to the wake-up call tragedies you enumerate. Instead, it was a reminder that HaShem sends other, no less obvious, messages for us to come home. These are positive words from Torah and from fellow Jews who care. Your article helps me to focus on the POSITIVES of Aliyah. I don't want to want to flee galus-I want to want to go home!

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