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1. Tamar


The focus of this article – relying on Hashem – really is the heart of the matter.

As a former USAF officer during and after the Vietnam War, I was shocked to the core when the elitists refused to show for duty. Not once, but twice with threats of further refusal, depending on… They dealt a major blow to Israel’s image of invincibility and power in the region. Consequently, our neighbors are looking at this situation as a possible opportunity for further conflict.

It took quite a while for me to look at this situation with a “good eye”. Hashem has knocked out every pseudo-dependency that we’ve held onto for the last 75+ years: functioning government, military prowess as the source of our safety and security, fairness in the judicial system, and economic sectors (business, agriculture, international trade, etc). All sectors were willing (and able) to shut down the country and bring it to its knees.

We see now that we cannot rely on any of them. Maybe they’ll come through, maybe not…

Those elitists did the greatest tova possible, albeit not the tova they intended. Our situation now is the best possible scenario – we must rely solely on Hashem. As the article points out, Hashem always comes through.

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