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1. Jewgirl


The truth will set you free! How do you discover a fool, when he judges somebody else. From my personal experience I discovered that only the truth will set you free. Be truthful to yourself about the good and not so good and whatever you discover to be corrected ask HaShem to help you. HaShem knows your soul and when you admit everything to H-m then it does not matter what people say. Do what Rebbi Nachman says don’t despair always thrive for joy. All the best to you, give yourself some credit you doing a good job here.

2. Jewgirl


How do you discover a fool, when he judges somebody else. From my personal experience I discovered that only the truth will set you free. Be truthful to yourself about the good and not so good and whatever you discover to be corrected ask HaShem to help you. HaShem knows your soul and when you admit everything to H-m then it does not matter what people say. Do what Rebbi Nachman says don’t despair always thrive for joy. All the best to you, give yourself some credit you doing a good job here.

3. anny


you are definitely good!!! as far as i am concerned, here in europe, a unknown french woman, i definitely think you are very good , at least since your writing helps me in my own little life! and every week i can't wait to read you! and hope to meet you some day in israel to tell you the truth: you are very good mrs levy!! a french fan

4. anny


as far as i am concerned, here in europe, a unknown french woman, i definitely think you are very good , at least since your writing helps me in my own little life! and every week i can't wait to read you! and hope to meet you some day in israel to tell you the truth: you are very good mrs levy!! a french fan

5. RivkahW


Thank you!!! This is exactly what I need to work on right now, Baruch Hashem you wrote this. I was telling friends how the Ayin Tova is like a muscle. Just when you think you see the world as beautiful, Hashem thumps a heavier uglier dumbbell in front of you, and says, ok, find the good in THIS. And at present, He is giving me a heavy work out!!

6. RivkahW


This is exactly what I need to work on right now, Baruch Hashem you wrote this. I was telling friends how the Ayin Tova is like a muscle. Just when you think you see the world as beautiful, Hashem thumps a heavier uglier dumbbell in front of you, and says, ok, find the good in THIS. And at present, He is giving me a heavy work out!!

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