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1. Breslev Israel Staff (Yehudit)


Thank you for your thoughtful questions. I read that mobility and location are issues that you must contend with. That will certainly cut out personal meetings, but you can still benefit from a rav’s guidance through shiurim, books, CDs, or whatever he uses to communicate with the public.

As far as how to select a rav and how to see if he is a tzaddik, I suggest reading these two articles by Rabbi Arush:
Choosing a Spiritual Guide
“waze” for Life

Here is an article by someone who describes her experiences, both positive and negative, about spiritual guides: Get A Spiritual Guide.

It does take some detective work on your part along with trial and error, but be persistent.It definitely pays off.

All the best!

2. Brachah Rivkah Belk


How does one find a Tzaddik? I am 75 with health issues, my husband is disabled. We are unable to attend a synagogue. Not even sure if there could be found a tzaddik in this area. How would you know if someone is a Tzaddik?

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