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1. David Abitbol


Retrospectively, the Re’im rave event attacked by HAMAS was “SUPERNOVA Sukkot Gathering”, if she understood that is was because Mashiach had come, she indeed had understood nothing, ‘Tu te crois que tu es fahima’ also means “do you really think your understanding is correct”.

2. Hindy Aussenberg


And 2 weeks after this Hamas attacked Israel on the last day of Succos. I see your dream as quite coincidental. May Hashem protect His People from all suffering and pain and may He bring Moshiach soon in our days 🙏

3. aron meyer


baba sali never looked at women

i must say this article is highly questionable for the above reasons good shabbos

4. aron meyer


i must say this article is highly questionable for the above reasons good shabbos

5. moshe


The Lubavitcher Rebbe held that every single Jew would be saved from golus, not one Jew left behind. Every Jew will be'ezrat Hashem be saved, and Moshiach will come bikarov mamash.

6. Anonymous


that every single Jew would be saved from golus, not one Jew left behind. Every Jew will be'ezrat Hashem be saved, and Moshiach will come bikarov mamash.

7. Necehemiah


splitting families, G-d forbid "A time when families will be permanently reunited – and permanently torn apart." Klal Yisroel is a family that can not be torn apart. It is forever united. How would it magnify G-d to have a family that is split apart? Let's split ourselves apart from the nations before we walk about splitting ourselves from one anotherWhen a Jew gives charity it effects everyone in our family. Perhaps the charity isn't needed for you exactly, but for another family altogether who is really your family too

8. Necehemiah


"A time when families will be permanently reunited – and permanently torn apart." Klal Yisroel is a family that can not be torn apart. It is forever united. How would it magnify G-d to have a family that is split apart? Let's split ourselves apart from the nations before we walk about splitting ourselves from one anotherWhen a Jew gives charity it effects everyone in our family. Perhaps the charity isn't needed for you exactly, but for another family altogether who is really your family too

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