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1. YY


for everyone? What about women who have a strong desire to be in a certain outside-the-home profession or activity, not because society thinks they should but because they feel a special affinity for it? Isn't this possibly a sign from Hashem that they should do it? There are in fact frum women with several kids who are also (part or full time) doctors, physical therapists, teachers, etc. After all, at least two of Rav Arush's recent columns have been saying everyone is meant to do different things, and we don't have to all be the same. Doesn't this apply to women too?

2. YY


What about women who have a strong desire to be in a certain outside-the-home profession or activity, not because society thinks they should but because they feel a special affinity for it? Isn't this possibly a sign from Hashem that they should do it? There are in fact frum women with several kids who are also (part or full time) doctors, physical therapists, teachers, etc. After all, at least two of Rav Arush's recent columns have been saying everyone is meant to do different things, and we don't have to all be the same. Doesn't this apply to women too?

3. Tzipporah


Very nice post- interested in taking this a little further I really enjoyed your article about being a stay at home mom. As mother of 5 children, ranging in age from 19 down to 11, I still believe that my main and true place is being a home as a full time mother handling my 'ship'. One point that I would like discussed- Sometimes a woman is required to work because her husband doesn't have parnossa or has become debilitated. How does Hashem help those of us who can't be at home full time anymore as much as we would like to be? Any posts or articles

4. Tzipporah


I really enjoyed your article about being a stay at home mom. As mother of 5 children, ranging in age from 19 down to 11, I still believe that my main and true place is being a home as a full time mother handling my 'ship'. One point that I would like discussed- Sometimes a woman is required to work because her husband doesn't have parnossa or has become debilitated. How does Hashem help those of us who can't be at home full time anymore as much as we would like to be? Any posts or articles

5. Chava G.


Mazal tov on starting your family! You may not remember me – I met you before you got married and went to your wedding. So I was happy to read your fantastic news! May you all, including all the children to come, have every blessing.

6. Chava G.


You may not remember me – I met you before you got married and went to your wedding. So I was happy to read your fantastic news! May you all, including all the children to come, have every blessing.

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