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1. Tziporah


Right vs. Wrong I think it's important to note that all of this generation's greatest Rabbis say that a long sheitel is not permissible. With that said of course we should not judge a women who is dressed in an immodest way but we must know for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. Any Jew who chas v'shalom makes a sin or does something that is against the ratzon HaShem is a precious neshama that is being tricked by their yetzer hara. The best thing to do is daven that HaShem should help them to do teshuva and if you would not make that same mistake then thank HaShem that He has showed you the right way to go.

2. Tziporah


I think it's important to note that all of this generation's greatest Rabbis say that a long sheitel is not permissible. With that said of course we should not judge a women who is dressed in an immodest way but we must know for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. Any Jew who chas v'shalom makes a sin or does something that is against the ratzon HaShem is a precious neshama that is being tricked by their yetzer hara. The best thing to do is daven that HaShem should help them to do teshuva and if you would not make that same mistake then thank HaShem that He has showed you the right way to go.

3. EstherAsna


thank you so much I also have this problem with looking at ppl about tzniut and a sometimes-eye twitch!! Thank you so much for opening my eyes :).

4. EstherAsna


I also have this problem with looking at ppl about tzniut and a sometimes-eye twitch!! Thank you so much for opening my eyes :).

5. yehudit levy


So true! This is so true. Running after our eyes and hearts doesn't refer only to lustful behaviour. Hearts and eyes that are not necessarily drawn by those desires have other vices: like being judgemental or jealous. This is my test too, as a woman, and I think you've nailed it on the head. I realised that so many women who wear those kinds of wigs are usually born into religion, unlike me, so are not as aware (as I am) regarding male desire, not having had much experience with it, Baruch Hashem!

6. yehudit levy


This is so true. Running after our eyes and hearts doesn't refer only to lustful behaviour. Hearts and eyes that are not necessarily drawn by those desires have other vices: like being judgemental or jealous. This is my test too, as a woman, and I think you've nailed it on the head. I realised that so many women who wear those kinds of wigs are usually born into religion, unlike me, so are not as aware (as I am) regarding male desire, not having had much experience with it, Baruch Hashem!

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