Simply getting by -? You are young and beautiful, if your writing is any indicator. Remain basically healthy as you age, by giving yourself a regular break, even a small one. I speak from having survived the Big C (B"H) and living with the Big D. "Martyrdom" has consequences larger than one imagines. I wish you and your family all the best!
2. CDG, Yerushalayim
You are young and beautiful, if your writing is any indicator. Remain basically healthy as you age, by giving yourself a regular break, even a small one. I speak from having survived the Big C (B"H) and living with the Big D. "Martyrdom" has consequences larger than one imagines. I wish you and your family all the best!
Simply getting by -? You are young and beautiful, if your writing is any indicator. Remain basically healthy as you age, by giving yourself a regular break, even a small one. I speak from having survived the Big C (B"H) and living with the Big D. "Martyrdom" has consequences larger than one imagines. I wish you and your family all the best!
You are young and beautiful, if your writing is any indicator. Remain basically healthy as you age, by giving yourself a regular break, even a small one. I speak from having survived the Big C (B"H) and living with the Big D. "Martyrdom" has consequences larger than one imagines. I wish you and your family all the best!