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1. nava


question about rivka levy’s articles I'm a fan! Rivka Levy has an amazing ability to inspire. Is there anyway to get Rivka Levy's articles in the order she wrote them, beginning with her 1st and ending with her latest? At some point, I wasn't able to continue reading on a weekly basis and therefore, got behind 🙂 thanks

2. nava


I'm a fan! Rivka Levy has an amazing ability to inspire. Is there anyway to get Rivka Levy's articles in the order she wrote them, beginning with her 1st and ending with her latest? At some point, I wasn't able to continue reading on a weekly basis and therefore, got behind 🙂 thanks

3. S. Ray


Your ability to share is remarkable Dear Rivka, Your experience in Medzibozh that you shared online was very emotionally moving for me. How did you happen to start writing about your spiritual experiences on line and then produce a published book. (Please don't say Hashem, because Everything is Hashem. Ain Od Milvado! )

4. Anonymous


Dear Rivka, Your experience in Medzibozh that you shared online was very emotionally moving for me. How did you happen to start writing about your spiritual experiences on line and then produce a published book. (Please don't say Hashem, because Everything is Hashem. Ain Od Milvado! )

5. Gila


So inspirational How many of us can relate to the desire to talk to Hashem and yet feel like we're in a block of ice, unable to melt it? Especially when we're somewhere extra special, like the kever of a tzaddik? Baruch Hashem you had your moment, even if it came later and in a way you didn't expect. What a gift!

6. Gila


How many of us can relate to the desire to talk to Hashem and yet feel like we're in a block of ice, unable to melt it? Especially when we're somewhere extra special, like the kever of a tzaddik? Baruch Hashem you had your moment, even if it came later and in a way you didn't expect. What a gift!

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