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1. Janice


To the Law and The Covenants The Torah, is the Covenant Governance of the Great King, not as a religion, though some Jewish religious practices agree with the law and preserve it; Democracy is your Greek Roman Trojan horse that give "freedom of religion" in land of Israel; really??? is that what the Covenants of HaShem say? What was ruin of Temples, breaking of HaShem's Covenant; which would include love each other; the closest person to lead Israel out of Democracy was Rabbi Meir Kahane; he had the plan;Covenant Governanc

2. Janice


The Torah, is the Covenant Governance of the Great King, not as a religion, though some Jewish religious practices agree with the law and preserve it; Democracy is your Greek Roman Trojan horse that give "freedom of religion" in land of Israel; really??? is that what the Covenants of HaShem say? What was ruin of Temples, breaking of HaShem's Covenant; which would include love each other; the closest person to lead Israel out of Democracy was Rabbi Meir Kahane; he had the plan;Covenant Governanc

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