My fate is to be fearful and anxious. But, at the same time, I know that this is why I was incarnated into this lifetime — to learn the complete lesson of faith and trust in Hashem. I'm trying, but it ain't easy…
2. Tuviah Sussman
In the same boat
My fate is to be fearful and anxious. But, at the same time, I know that this is why I was incarnated into this lifetime — to learn the complete lesson of faith and trust in Hashem. I'm trying, but it ain't easy…
3. Tuviah
Thank you for your advice
I, too, suffer from fear, amxiety and panic attacks– all related to health. I have been praying for years for Hashem to give me reassurance, hopimgmto hear some spiritual voice talking to me and reassuring me. My wife said your basic problem is lack of real emunah despite all my davening. She said to pray for increaed emunah and bitachon, which I have begun to do. Based on your article, i will also ask Hashem to heal my sick soul. Thank you.
4. Tuviah
I, too, suffer from fear, amxiety and panic attacks– all related to health. I have been praying for years for Hashem to give me reassurance, hopimgmto hear some spiritual voice talking to me and reassuring me. My wife said your basic problem is lack of real emunah despite all my davening. She said to pray for increaed emunah and bitachon, which I have begun to do. Based on your article, i will also ask Hashem to heal my sick soul. Thank you.
5. Tuviah
Rifka’s article on fear You've described my life exactly. I believe the only thing that will help me overcome my fears is some kind of contact with a Malach or other spiritual creature — perhaps, even, Hashem speaking to me in a dream — giving me words of reassurance that me and my family are safe and protected and to enjoy my life. The likelihood of that is slim,, but I will continue to search for a way to connect — to see Hashem's countenance. Nothing short of such a personal experience will do…
6. Tuviah
You've described my life exactly. I believe the only thing that will help me overcome my fears is some kind of contact with a Malach or other spiritual creature — perhaps, even, Hashem speaking to me in a dream — giving me words of reassurance that me and my family are safe and protected and to enjoy my life. The likelihood of that is slim,, but I will continue to search for a way to connect — to see Hashem's countenance. Nothing short of such a personal experience will do…
7. Tuviah
The Only Cure for My Fears Would Be Hearing Hashem Speak to Me. Your article describes me exactly. But I have long felt that nothing short of wods of re-assurance from Hashem will do the trick. But how does an insignificant mote of dust hear from the Creator? Highly unlikely. But I continue to search for Hashem's contenance, hoping for some kind of Divine encounter. I walk lonely streets. Daven in deserted synagogues listening –always listening — for that voice that says, "Tuviah, you and your family are safe and protected. Enjoy your life."
8. Tuviah
Your article describes me exactly. But I have long felt that nothing short of wods of re-assurance from Hashem will do the trick. But how does an insignificant mote of dust hear from the Creator? Highly unlikely. But I continue to search for Hashem's contenance, hoping for some kind of Divine encounter. I walk lonely streets. Daven in deserted synagogues listening –always listening — for that voice that says, "Tuviah, you and your family are safe and protected. Enjoy your life."
9. Leah
Thank you too! I am also a big worrier and it has really affected my health. I also "fear" all the time and I know it is such a lack of emunah, that that is what I ask Hashem the most for – full trust in Him. It is so true – 80% of the things we worry about never happen anyway – so why waste all that precious time eating your heart out?
10. Leah
I am also a big worrier and it has really affected my health. I also "fear" all the time and I know it is such a lack of emunah, that that is what I ask Hashem the most for – full trust in Him. It is so true – 80% of the things we worry about never happen anyway – so why waste all that precious time eating your heart out?
11. Anonymous
Now you know a fourth person who has been suffering from Anxiety, and another woman that I know as well. Thank you for being so open about this issue which gets practically no attention in the frum world. It gives me tremendous chizuk to read about your spiritual trek, and the way in which you are b”h overcoming the battle.
I now know the true path in which to release the yetzer hora’s irrational messages.
Thank you so much! May you always be able to spread Emunah, and to merit Yeshuah.
12. RV
Thank you! Now you know a fourth person who has been suffering from Anxiety, and another woman that I know as well. Thank you for being so open about this issue which gets practically no attention in the frum world. It gives me tremendous chizuk to read about your spiritual trek, and the way in which you are b”h overcoming the battle.
I now know the true path in which to release the yetzer hora’s irrational messages.
Thank you so much! May you always be able to spread Emunah, and to merit Yeshuah.
My fate is to be fearful and anxious. But, at the same time, I know that this is why I was incarnated into this lifetime — to learn the complete lesson of faith and trust in Hashem. I'm trying, but it ain't easy…
In the same boat
My fate is to be fearful and anxious. But, at the same time, I know that this is why I was incarnated into this lifetime — to learn the complete lesson of faith and trust in Hashem. I'm trying, but it ain't easy…
Thank you for your advice
I, too, suffer from fear, amxiety and panic attacks– all related to health. I have been praying for years for Hashem to give me reassurance, hopimgmto hear some spiritual voice talking to me and reassuring me. My wife said your basic problem is lack of real emunah despite all my davening. She said to pray for increaed emunah and bitachon, which I have begun to do. Based on your article, i will also ask Hashem to heal my sick soul. Thank you.
I, too, suffer from fear, amxiety and panic attacks– all related to health. I have been praying for years for Hashem to give me reassurance, hopimgmto hear some spiritual voice talking to me and reassuring me. My wife said your basic problem is lack of real emunah despite all my davening. She said to pray for increaed emunah and bitachon, which I have begun to do. Based on your article, i will also ask Hashem to heal my sick soul. Thank you.
Rifka’s article on fear You've described my life exactly. I believe the only thing that will help me overcome my fears is some kind of contact with a Malach or other spiritual creature — perhaps, even, Hashem speaking to me in a dream — giving me words of reassurance that me and my family are safe and protected and to enjoy my life. The likelihood of that is slim,, but I will continue to search for a way to connect — to see Hashem's countenance. Nothing short of such a personal experience will do…
You've described my life exactly. I believe the only thing that will help me overcome my fears is some kind of contact with a Malach or other spiritual creature — perhaps, even, Hashem speaking to me in a dream — giving me words of reassurance that me and my family are safe and protected and to enjoy my life. The likelihood of that is slim,, but I will continue to search for a way to connect — to see Hashem's countenance. Nothing short of such a personal experience will do…
The Only Cure for My Fears Would Be Hearing Hashem Speak to Me. Your article describes me exactly. But I have long felt that nothing short of wods of re-assurance from Hashem will do the trick. But how does an insignificant mote of dust hear from the Creator? Highly unlikely. But I continue to search for Hashem's contenance, hoping for some kind of Divine encounter. I walk lonely streets. Daven in deserted synagogues listening –always listening — for that voice that says, "Tuviah, you and your family are safe and protected. Enjoy your life."
Your article describes me exactly. But I have long felt that nothing short of wods of re-assurance from Hashem will do the trick. But how does an insignificant mote of dust hear from the Creator? Highly unlikely. But I continue to search for Hashem's contenance, hoping for some kind of Divine encounter. I walk lonely streets. Daven in deserted synagogues listening –always listening — for that voice that says, "Tuviah, you and your family are safe and protected. Enjoy your life."
Thank you too! I am also a big worrier and it has really affected my health. I also "fear" all the time and I know it is such a lack of emunah, that that is what I ask Hashem the most for – full trust in Him. It is so true – 80% of the things we worry about never happen anyway – so why waste all that precious time eating your heart out?
I am also a big worrier and it has really affected my health. I also "fear" all the time and I know it is such a lack of emunah, that that is what I ask Hashem the most for – full trust in Him. It is so true – 80% of the things we worry about never happen anyway – so why waste all that precious time eating your heart out?
Now you know a fourth person who has been suffering from Anxiety, and another woman that I know as well. Thank you for being so open about this issue which gets practically no attention in the frum world. It gives me tremendous chizuk to read about your spiritual trek, and the way in which you are b”h overcoming the battle.
I now know the true path in which to release the yetzer hora’s irrational messages.
Thank you so much! May you always be able to spread Emunah, and to merit Yeshuah.
Thank you! Now you know a fourth person who has been suffering from Anxiety, and another woman that I know as well. Thank you for being so open about this issue which gets practically no attention in the frum world. It gives me tremendous chizuk to read about your spiritual trek, and the way in which you are b”h overcoming the battle.
I now know the true path in which to release the yetzer hora’s irrational messages.
Thank you so much! May you always be able to spread Emunah, and to merit Yeshuah.