Hardboiled Eggs, Part 1
Willy Weatherbee is the general store owner in Purity Springs. He’s pleasant and friendly and always smiling, until the day that his fresh eggs began to disappear…

By Rebecca Shapiro, based on a story by Rabbi Lazer Brody
Hardboiled Eggs, Part 1
Less than eight miles down from Old Isaac’s inn,
you’ll find Purity Springs, a little village that could make anyone grin.
you’ll find Purity Springs, a little village that could make anyone grin.
Downtown is just a two-hundred-foot-long cobblestone road
With rickety sidewalks, a farmers’ supply store, and a place to unload.
A post office and camping goods store are both highlights of the small street,
Along with the Forest Ranger’s office, the general store, and a skiing lodge retreat.
If you ever drove through Purity Springs on a fast horse or bike – and you blink – You’d miss seeing the whole entire town, or so you would think…
It would be such a shame to miss it though, as you will soon see
because the characters that live there can teach special lessons to you & me.
Willy Weatherbee, for example, owns and operates the general store.
He is a plump little fellow with a shiny bald head, and friends galore!
Mr. Weatherbee has a small farmhouse on the outskirts of the town.
He grows fruits and raises chickens that produce white eggs & brown.
Willy displays his fresh produce and eggs on the sidewalk in front of his store,
In open cartons of a dozen eggs each, right outside the door.
Willy is a perfectionist. His store is spotless, and the cans always in line.
At any given moment, he can quote his exact inventory from ketchup or mustard to vintage wine
With a pencil behind his ear and his clean white apron making him look sharp as a pin
Folks never saw Mr. Weatherbee with anything other than a pleasant grin
That is… until his fresh eggs started to disappear.
Oh no, what will he do? Oh dear!

To be continued
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