1. Are the 7 Noahide Laws incorporated in the 613 Commandments? Yes, the Noahide Laws are a subset of the 613 commandments for Jews.
2. (paraphrased) Do the Noahide Laws regarding theft have the same meaning as theft in the 613 commandments? The laws of theft are much stricter and more detailed for Jews. For example, Noahide may charge interest (it must be reasonable rates), but a Jew cannot.
All the best!
2. Soraya Ferreira
Hi everyone.
I have 2 questions regarding the 7 Noahide Laws.
First question: Are the 7 Noahide Laws incorporated in the 613 Commandments?
Second question is with regard to the Noahide Law “Do Not Steal” does this law have the same meaning as is detailed in the above detailed list of types of thefts, as the one in the 613?
Hi Soraya,
I’ll try to answer your questions here…
1. Are the 7 Noahide Laws incorporated in the 613 Commandments? Yes, the Noahide Laws are a subset of the 613 commandments for Jews.
2. (paraphrased) Do the Noahide Laws regarding theft have the same meaning as theft in the 613 commandments? The laws of theft are much stricter and more detailed for Jews. For example, Noahide may charge interest (it must be reasonable rates), but a Jew cannot.
All the best!
Hi everyone.
I have 2 questions regarding the 7 Noahide Laws.
First question: Are the 7 Noahide Laws incorporated in the 613 Commandments?
Second question is with regard to the Noahide Law “Do Not Steal” does this law have the same meaning as is detailed in the above detailed list of types of thefts, as the one in the 613?