Why are you minimizing mitzvot? This sounds OK to me, but it seems like you are minimizing mitzvot between man and Hashem. They are both important and equal – why the emphasis on only one?
2. Anonymous
This sounds OK to me, but it seems like you are minimizing mitzvot between man and Hashem. They are both important and equal – why the emphasis on only one?
3. RT
So easy to be on your high horse and forget this I feel that the Jewish community has become very shallow. The mitzvos between man and G-d are easy to keep in the sense that they require mesiras nefesh but not character correction. Also, everyone sees them and people are judged based on them – the black hat, the coat, the tzitzis, the kosher hechsher, whatever.
Between man and man is so much more serious, but it’s ignored because it requires serious introspection and work. People think they are such big tzaddikim while they transgress! TY
4. RT
I feel that the Jewish community has become very shallow. The mitzvos between man and G-d are easy to keep in the sense that they require mesiras nefesh but not character correction. Also, everyone sees them and people are judged based on them – the black hat, the coat, the tzitzis, the kosher hechsher, whatever.
Between man and man is so much more serious, but it’s ignored because it requires serious introspection and work. People think they are such big tzaddikim while they transgress! TY
5. Chaim Zalmon
would this be a case that would require tshuvah When I was in preschool I unknowingly gave medicine to someone else, and they had a reaction. My family was sued. I don’t know the kid, but would I still have to do try to find them and do tshuvah for?
6. Anonymous
When I was in preschool I unknowingly gave medicine to someone else, and they had a reaction. My family was sued. I don’t know the kid, but would I still have to do try to find them and do tshuvah for?
Why are you minimizing mitzvot? This sounds OK to me, but it seems like you are minimizing mitzvot between man and Hashem. They are both important and equal – why the emphasis on only one?
This sounds OK to me, but it seems like you are minimizing mitzvot between man and Hashem. They are both important and equal – why the emphasis on only one?
So easy to be on your high horse and forget this I feel that the Jewish community has become very shallow. The mitzvos between man and G-d are easy to keep in the sense that they require mesiras nefesh but not character correction. Also, everyone sees them and people are judged based on them – the black hat, the coat, the tzitzis, the kosher hechsher, whatever.
Between man and man is so much more serious, but it’s ignored because it requires serious introspection and work. People think they are such big tzaddikim while they transgress! TY
I feel that the Jewish community has become very shallow. The mitzvos between man and G-d are easy to keep in the sense that they require mesiras nefesh but not character correction. Also, everyone sees them and people are judged based on them – the black hat, the coat, the tzitzis, the kosher hechsher, whatever.
Between man and man is so much more serious, but it’s ignored because it requires serious introspection and work. People think they are such big tzaddikim while they transgress! TY
would this be a case that would require tshuvah When I was in preschool I unknowingly gave medicine to someone else, and they had a reaction. My family was sued. I don’t know the kid, but would I still have to do try to find them and do tshuvah for?
When I was in preschool I unknowingly gave medicine to someone else, and they had a reaction. My family was sued. I don’t know the kid, but would I still have to do try to find them and do tshuvah for?