All comments to this post (4)

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1. Ella Morgan


What right of return to Israel does B’nei Noach have? Would like some dialogue on this question. Thanks,

2. Ella Morgan


Would like some dialogue on this question. Thanks,

3. s.byars


Thanks Thanks for the summary for Noahides. We are a family of 3…grandmother, daughter and 11 y.o. granddaughter, all trying to find our path in the world of Noahides. We live in a small town with no other known Noahides or Jews. We’ve come to the same conclusion on our own…to keep it simple, pray the psalms, and give to charity.

4. s.byars


Thanks for the summary for Noahides. We are a family of 3…grandmother, daughter and 11 y.o. granddaughter, all trying to find our path in the world of Noahides. We live in a small town with no other known Noahides or Jews. We’ve come to the same conclusion on our own…to keep it simple, pray the psalms, and give to charity.

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