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1. Rebeca Gonzalez


Hashem sent me a clear message through your words.

My daughter is in great danger. Please pray for us no to be in despare. Thank you for this article.

2. Anonymous


My daughter is in great danger. Please pray for us no to be in despare. Thank you for this article.

3. Lori


Aliyah Thank you for sharing this painful story. May it awaken others worldwide outside of Israel to make Aliyah (while they can).

4. Lori


Thank you for sharing this painful story. May it awaken others worldwide outside of Israel to make Aliyah (while they can).

5. joshua


Yom HaShoah I am interested to know why is choosing to print articles about the Shoah now and not around the time of 9th Av. The concept of creating a day of mourning is alien to Judaism and a secular creation. We must mourn the loss of our people in the Shoah, and we must celebrate the miracles experienced at that time – but should we create a seperate day for this? The Shoah is something very special to all Yidden – but we have befallen many tradgedies and we mourn all on 9th Av

Dear Joshua,
We here at Breslev Israel, both as observant Jews and as citizens of Israel, respect the day that has been set aside to remember the Holocaust. Without such a day, many people in Israel and abroad would never invest a moment's thought on this. As far as Tisha B'Av, we have a whole Three Weeks designated for that, between 17 Tammuz and 9 Av – besides, Breslever Chassidim who say Midnight Lamentations every night remember the Destruction of the Temple every day of their lives. Here at Breslev Israel, you can find on this site a whole special category of articles devoted to 9 Av. Blessings always, the editor

6. joshua


I am interested to know why is choosing to print articles about the Shoah now and not around the time of 9th Av. The concept of creating a day of mourning is alien to Judaism and a secular creation. We must mourn the loss of our people in the Shoah, and we must celebrate the miracles experienced at that time – but should we create a seperate day for this? The Shoah is something very special to all Yidden – but we have befallen many tradgedies and we mourn all on 9th Av

Dear Joshua,
We here at Breslev Israel, both as observant Jews and as citizens of Israel, respect the day that has been set aside to remember the Holocaust. Without such a day, many people in Israel and abroad would never invest a moment's thought on this. As far as Tisha B'Av, we have a whole Three Weeks designated for that, between 17 Tammuz and 9 Av – besides, Breslever Chassidim who say Midnight Lamentations every night remember the Destruction of the Temple every day of their lives. Here at Breslev Israel, you can find on this site a whole special category of articles devoted to 9 Av. Blessings always, the editor

7. Jewishdragonfly


This is a very moving article. The pain that she suffered must have been horrible; and to think that she was one of the lucky ones. It’s hard to remember that there is such real evil out there.

8. Jewishdragonfly


The pain that she suffered must have been horrible; and to think that she was one of the lucky ones. It’s hard to remember that there is such real evil out there.

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