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1. Jeremy McCandlish


4 cups plus

Just my two cents — passover is one night of the year and is not necessarily a way to decide what a person is used to, but rather of how far they extend themselves for the mitzvah. I've seen plenty of people who are ready to fall asleep right after hallel nirtzah. Maybe the *same* amount of wine as passover would make more sense. (for us lightweights anyhow)

2. Jeremy McCandlish


Just my two cents — passover is one night of the year and is not necessarily a way to decide what a person is used to, but rather of how far they extend themselves for the mitzvah. I've seen plenty of people who are ready to fall asleep right after hallel nirtzah. Maybe the *same* amount of wine as passover would make more sense. (for us lightweights anyhow)

3. Louey Simon


Rabbi Arush’s instructions for drinking wine in a holy manner on Purim

Can you please add Rabbi Arush's instructions for drinking wine in a holy manner on Purim? Also we must be sensitive to fellow Jews who struggle with alcohol addiction, so how do we know if someone has an alcohol addiction without embarrassing them but allowing them to be part of the group? Can we all drink grape juice instead?

4. Anonymous


Can you please add Rabbi Arush's instructions for drinking wine in a holy manner on Purim? Also we must be sensitive to fellow Jews who struggle with alcohol addiction, so how do we know if someone has an alcohol addiction without embarrassing them but allowing them to be part of the group? Can we all drink grape juice instead?

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