G-d bless you all. could you please advice on soul mates for gentiles. We were created for israel’s sake, i believe that absolutely as a noahide, and as such on israel’s merits, we too are blessed to multiply and live by the 7 laws and its breakdown. could you advice on prayers we can say for our sons to find their soul mates. thank you.
2. Anonymous
G-d bless you all. could you please advice on soul mates for gentiles. We were created for israel’s sake, i believe that absolutely as a noahide, and as such on israel’s merits, we too are blessed to multiply and live by the 7 laws and its breakdown. could you advice on prayers we can say for our sons to find their soul mates. thank you.
soul mates for gentiles
G-d bless you all. could you please advice on soul mates for gentiles. We were created for israel’s sake, i believe that absolutely as a noahide, and as such on israel’s merits, we too are blessed to multiply and live by the 7 laws and its breakdown. could you advice on prayers we can say for our sons to find their soul mates. thank you.
G-d bless you all. could you please advice on soul mates for gentiles. We were created for israel’s sake, i believe that absolutely as a noahide, and as such on israel’s merits, we too are blessed to multiply and live by the 7 laws and its breakdown. could you advice on prayers we can say for our sons to find their soul mates. thank you.